margin-top: 28px; The Unlikely Times: Twister with Personality

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Twister with Personality

I admit it, I do a lot of very weird searches on Google. Here's a story about a waterspout hitting Belize, from the San Pedro Sun, August 29, 2002. I just love the style of reporting. It gives the storm some personality unheard of in the big papers:

"The 'freak storm' first made land at the Blue Water Grill and decided to reorganize the tables and chairs, causing chaos." (I can just picture it like a big finger, thinking: the green chair goes over HERE ... and is that some dude hiding behind the snack bar?)

"... it made its way to the San Pedro Airstrip. There, the monstrous funnel swallowed a six-seater Australian Airbus." (A good source of iron and other alloys.)

"Still hungry for more, the twister continued on its way to the San Pedrito Area where it tore the roofs off of three homes in that neighborhood leaving the affected occupants in shock." ("I know there's munchies & cruchies in here somewhere.") (Okay - WHAT movie is that darn line from? Was it "Labyrinth" or "The Never-Ending Story?")

Nobody was badly hurt. You can find the whole story here:
San Pedro Sun

It's a good example of how being human colors what we see around us. Rather than chaotic air currents following invisible pattenrs of air pressure, we see intent, hunger, and mischief.

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