margin-top: 28px; The Unlikely Times: Introduction

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Unlikely things happen all the time. But this doesn't mean all things are possible. Without getting into the pits of probability, there's a huge difference between something that has a 1 in 1,000 chance of happening (getting hit by a car today) and a 1 in a billion chance (getting hit by a car today while waking up on Broadway in your pajamas). Yet those super longshots, like two black holes colliding, will happen, given enough time.

I want this blog to be entertaining -- but along the way I think it's important to point out bad arguments. There are so many websites full of unsupportable rubbish, and people trying to convince us of nutty things everywhere we turn. Even the History Channel shows things that aren't even slightly historical! What has the world become? What fun is the weirdness if it's just baloney?

These things we call "weird" are like a fine wine. Okay, maybe fine cheese. A taste that can be developed. We should be able to put on our Mythbuster caps at the end of a story, and say "Plausible" or "Not."

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